Sunday, March 4, 2012

What are some good xbox live games?

I just got xbox live and I've been playing assassins creed online and its beginning to get a lil boring. What are some good games to play online. I would love to play one where you can talk through the headset or hear people through the headset while your playing (if thats possible).What are some good xbox live games?
The obvious:

-Call of Duty


Co-op online:

-Splinter Cell Conviction

-Army of Two



-Left 4 Dead and L4D 2

-Fear 3 (releases later this month)

Some more Competitive driven:

-Bioshock 2

-Fear 2

-Rainbow Six vegas 2


These are just the games that i enjoy playing and in my opinion, are the some of the best. pretty much any gameplay online enables chat so that won't be an issue. I actually found that some of these games, which i only bought for the single player, had really fun multiplayer. Bioshock 2 and Fear 2 were both like this. extremely simple multiplayer deathmatch, team deathmatch, and objective games that end up becoming very fun once you get used to them. for this reason i say you should of course play the obvious games like halo and Call of Duty, but look for games that have multiplayer and try them out.
Black ops is currently the most played Xbox Live game. But it will soon be outdated with Modern Warfare 3. Although I'm not a big fan of the Call of Duty franchise, it still is a game worth picking up. Other memorable games would be:

Gears of War 2, plus the All Fronts Collection.

Homefront (Make sure you buy new so you can put in the code to play to level 50) I enjoy this for the 32 player online.

Crysis 2: I love this game because its a wonderful mix of Halo Reach and Call of Duty.

Halo Reach: Wonderful online, but the DLC maps just arent worth it in my opinion as very few people play them (debatable but its what I've found to be true)What are some good xbox live games?
COD Black Ops Don't get MW2 noob tubers Or COD WAW hackers and COD4 hackers another good game is Battlefield Bad Company and Battlefield Bad Company 2 and for Bad Company 2 get the Vietnam DLC also Halo Reach.
Um assassins creeds are fun. Mass affects are really good. Call of duty mw2,halo 3,reach. There's to much to name but thos are the best. Oh and bad company 1-2-3What are some good xbox live games?
Here are some of my favoreite live games and add me Animegamer4

Modern Warfare 2

Black ops

Halo Reach

Bad company 2
Best game for Xbox : Red Ring Of Death

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